Filson and Sitka 40% off at The Gun Room Inc. now thru December. Get that someone special something special from Sitka and Filson.
Sale limited to stock on hand while supplies last.
NW Hunting Headquarters
Filson and Sitka 40% off at The Gun Room Inc. now thru December. Get that someone special something special from Sitka and Filson.
Sale limited to stock on hand while supplies last.
We just got in a superb example of a Parker Side By Side Shotgun 12Ga.
This shotgun won’t last long.
If you know you know!
Just in time for Christmas we have a few Inglis P-35 Hi-Power models in stock, parkerized and color case hardened. Good for any Grinch or Scrooge to put that holiday cheer in their hearts!
Stop by The Gun Room Inc. and see these guns for yourself, we don’t sell online so hurry while they last.
The Gun Room Inc.
We finally got some of the backordered Winchester Model 1873s at The Gun Room Inc. !
Calibers include 44-40, 45 Colt, .357 Magnum.
Winchester Model 1886s are also back in stock in calibers 45-90 and 45-70 Government.
Octagonal and round barrels, deep checkered walnut stocks, color case hardened finishes with gorgeous deep bluing make these guns a must for any serious collector or anyone who just wants one of the most legendary and easy to shoot rifles ever made.
If you’re one of the people who’ve been waiting years for a chance to pick up one of these beauties, then you better mosey on down and get you one!
The Gun Room Inc.
5537 SE Foster R.
Portland Or 97206
Steyr 50 Cal precision Rifles in stock at The Gun Room Inc.
Steyrs’ 50HS .50-M1 Long Range Precision reaches out to 1500 yards as soon as you fit it together. Featuring a side loading magazine that lets you stay on the gun while reloading, switching mags or ammo types while engaged with the target is done swiftly and easily all while maintaining your focus and lock.
Steyr rifles and pistols available at The Gun Room Inc.
The Gun Room Inc.
5537 SE Foster Rd.
Portland Oregon 97206
The Gun Room Inc. finally received our allocation of Winchester 1886 45-90 High Grade lever guns. Winchesters’ 1886 and 1892 models are my personal favorites, and they continue to be viable for plinking fun, hunting, and shooting sports. These Winchester Rifles won’t last long, and they don’t come cheap at this quality and rarity. If you’ve been looking for a Winchester 45-90 to round out your collection, give us a call (503)777-3931 before you travel across the country to reserve your very own Winchester 45-90. Start making your legend today.
Colt Python, Colt Anaconda, Colt King Cobra, Colt Diamondback in stock .
Misc. scope sale happening now at The Gun Room Inc.
Supplies are limited,
We don’t quote prices over the phone, and we don’t put any prices online.
The Gun Room Inc. prides it’s self on quality firearms and supplies.
Guns bought and sold daily.
The Gun Room Inc. doesn’t do personal FFL transfers, nor do we do any internet sales or FFL transfers of any kind for online gun sales. Try your local pawn shop.
We don’t do special orders for guns, parts etc., try your local pawn shop or big box store instead.
We don’t have a range in the store despite any online claims that we do.
We specialize in fine and collectible guns but offer some cheaper popular contemporary guns.
The Gun Room Inc.
5537 S.E. Foster Rd.
Portland Oregon 97206